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Welcome to toxygen logo.ch

All content (c) copyright 1996, 2016 by Toxygen Productions. Written by Michael Althaus. All rights reserved.

Use a secure connection https://www.toxygen.ch.


This site is about the world of toxygen, a pseudonym I'm using since the early 1990s to sign most of my (art) work. Despite the fact, that toxygen originates from the composition of the words toxic and oxygen, it has no special meaning except for its unique sound. Have a look around and take some time. Enjoy!

Photo Gallery

Galleries marked with a star (*) have restricted access and require a password to enter. If you want to have access to any of these galleries, please contact me.

Music & Sounds

Some rare tunes ~d(-_-)b~

WorldDB Digital Atlas

What started as a personal travelling tool eventually became an extensive, interactive Digital Atlas of the World: Millions of unique points, vector layers and raster data mixed with real-time data - the world at your fingertip. Doesn't matter whether you're interested in geography or just want to explore what's around you - have a look!

Screenshot WorldDB

Software & Computer Programming

Some software I've written. Please note, that the use of this software is at your own risk and restricted to private, noncommercial applications.


If you have questions, suggestions or whatever, please feel free to contact me by using this form (needs java-script enabled).

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